"You have to work hard to offend Christians. By nature, Christians are the most forgiving, understanding, and thoughtful group of people I've ever dealt with. They never assume the worst. They appreciate the importance of having different perspectives. They're slow to anger, quick to forgive, and almost never make rash judgments or act in anything less than a spirit of total love . . . No, wait--I'm thinking of Labrador retrievers!" David Learn, 1998

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Major earthquake predicted to hit West Coast between now and March 26

Geologist Jim Berkland, interviewed on Neil Cavuto's program on FOXNews recently, predicted an earthquake on the West Coast this week, based on changes in the magnetic field, tides and tidal flooding, lunar perigees, alignment of earth and sun and strange animal behavior. He has an 80% accuracy rate in his predictions. He accurately predicted the "World Series" quake.

FOXNews: Geologist: Alarming magnetic field changes signal major quake for West Coast 
YouTube: Sign of California quake to come
YouTube: Major earthquake in North America Imminent

We all hope he's wrong!


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