"You have to work hard to offend Christians. By nature, Christians are the most forgiving, understanding, and thoughtful group of people I've ever dealt with. They never assume the worst. They appreciate the importance of having different perspectives. They're slow to anger, quick to forgive, and almost never make rash judgments or act in anything less than a spirit of total love . . . No, wait--I'm thinking of Labrador retrievers!" David Learn, 1998

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

HEROES: Prayer for Naoyoshi Sato

From: Norma F Norell [mailto:normanorell@juno.com]
> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 11:27 AM
> Subject: Naoyoshi Sato: Pray and Intercede
>      We have to get every Christian on this earth praying for Naoyoshi
> Sato, the Christian the Japanese Government put in charge of the
> emergency response team at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear complex. In
> a country where less than 1% of the population is Christian, God has
> performed an incredible miracle by having the Japanese Government
> appoint this person, a Christian, to be in over all command of the
> nuclear emergency response team.
      The Lord has also given us an equally
> incredible opportunity to pray and intercede for Naoyoshi Sato and
> everyone under in his command at the nuclear complex who are risking
> their lives braving high and potentially deadly radiation levels to
> bring the nuclear meltdowns under control and shut down the release of
> radiation from the reactors. One or more of the nuclear reactor
> containment vessels may be cracked or ruptured. This is an absolute
> worse case scenario. This is what happened in Chernobyl and the
> radioactive smoke that escaped rendered large areas around the
> reactors uninhabitable for decades.
>     But with God all things are possible. The Lord is omnipotent and all
> capable. Jesus can bring this nuclear nightmare under control; if we
> obey his command to intercede for Japan and its people. Jesus said
> that if we love Him, we will obey His Commandments. And He commanded
> us to intercede by the power of prayer to save those who do not know
> Him.
>      If God can miraculously annoint, enable, guide and empower Naoyoshi
> Sato and everyone under his command to bring the nuclear catastrophe
> under control before something like Chernobyl happens to Japan, then
> Naoyoshi Sato can appear on global television and tell the world that
> it was Jesus that performed the miracle and guided and gave his men
> the ability to shut down the escape of radiation from the reactors.
> Millions in Japan might come forward to accept Jesus as their Savior.
> Millions more around the world might accept Jesus as their Savior as a
> result.
>      What has happened in Japan is having a devastating effect on a global
> economy that is already in grave trouble of collapse for other
> reasons. The entire world is at risk. But the Lord can turn this
> situation around. He can turn it inside out and use it to bring about
> the salvation of many people worldwide.
>      Heavenly Father, we exalt you for causing the Japanese Government to
> put a Christian, one of your people, in charge of the nuclear disaster
> in Japan. Now, Father, we ask that you use this person, Naoyoshi Sato
> and all those under his command in a truly miraculous way to bring the
> deadly radiation at Fukushima under control. Lord Jesus, use Naoyoshi
> Sato as a witness to the entire world that You are Lord, that you are
> God, that You are the Savior of our souls, of the entire world. Give
> Naoyoshi a testimony about You that the entire world will hear.
>      Lord Jesus, Franklin Graham speaking on TBN about the disaster in
> Japan said that You died on the Cross to save the Japanese people. You
> did. Franklin Graham said that You died on the Cross, Lord Jesus, to
> save the entire human race. You did.
>      We ask you Jesus to use Naoyoshi Sato and all the rescue workers under
> his command in a way which is Miraculous, Divine and Heavenly. And if
> we want You to do this, we must intercede for them and hold them up in
> prayer, for this is what You have commanded us to do. Let every
> Christian on this planet do so.
>      We glorify You Lord. You are a God of Mercy, of Compassion, of Grace.
> You bled to death on Your Cross so that we who are Adam's sinful
> children could be saved, redeemed and be brought back to grace. You
> saved us from the curse by the Blood that You shed. Save the Japanese
> people Lord. Save the entire Human race.
> Heavenly Father,
> in Jesus Name,
> Amen


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