"You have to work hard to offend Christians. By nature, Christians are the most forgiving, understanding, and thoughtful group of people I've ever dealt with. They never assume the worst. They appreciate the importance of having different perspectives. They're slow to anger, quick to forgive, and almost never make rash judgments or act in anything less than a spirit of total love . . . No, wait--I'm thinking of Labrador retrievers!" David Learn, 1998

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Grace on our knees: Call to 40 days of prayer

Dear Friends of Grace,

As I was praying I realized that as of today there are exactly 40 days until Easter, the day we are scheduled to move back into the remodeled sanctuary. Throughout history God has often done amazing things over periods of 40 days/years--sanctifying, preparing, liberating--and we believe He is calling out people to commit themselves to praying (perhaps with fasting) for Grace for at least certain parts of these 40 days.

Ever since God first told us to stand for this--HIS--church tells us it has been taken off His foundation and He wants it back! We believe that the leadership of Grace is "Transforming Grace" on two levels, one of them spiritual. When the remodeling is completed and we move back into the sanctuary we believe there will be a celebration, a "re-dedication" of the church to a new foundation--

--a foundation which, whether it is admitted publicly or not, will NOT be the foundation of the Most High God.

We know many of you have left Grace but still have the church and its future on your heart. Many of you may never have been personally involved with this church. But we beg you to ask the Lord if He wants you to have some part in standing for this church to be brought back solidly to the only true and sure foundation, Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 3:11). We would like to have every hour of these 40 days covered by prayer but we will leave it up to God to draw you to participate in whatever way He wishes.

It would really encourage us to know you are standing with us and to know what part He is calling you to have in this resistance movement. ("Resist the devil and he will flee from you." James 4:7)

May God richly bless you all.


Jerry and Jessica

1 comment:

  1. Posted by permission:

    I cried and prayed as I read today's postings . . . I feel deeply the pain expressed. I too was brought to Grace while yet in utero . . . always said I was "a member of Grace since nine months before I was born". Grew up there, trained and mentored there, pastored there for 9 years, sent from there to pastor elsewhere. Grace has always been "home".

    Andrea and I are praying each morning and evening and have committed to one day of fasting each week as we pray for Grace and for everyone involved.

    Praying for God to lead you and enable you as you walk the path He opens before you . . . Praying that the name of the Lord Jesus will be exalted, that He will be lifted up, that God will get glory. I believe that HE wants that too.


    Roy Halberg
