AND FORMER ELDERS who signed the Watchmen list: John Anderson, Wade Andrews, Keith Benson, Sid Bowen, Richard Byrd,
Bill Coon, Bud Davis, Gil Denham, Robert Goble, Gary Guacci, Chic Hagen, Paul Hoffman, Alan Holdich, Chuck Horton, David Karber, L. Kent Lueb, Pete Meader,
Ron Phelps, Terry Polley, David Sundstrom and Tris Swan
FORMER CHAIRMEN OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF ELDERS (EBOE) who signed the Watchmen list: John Anderson, Bill Coon, Gary Guacci, David Karber.
FORMER CHAIRMEN OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF ELDERS (EBOE) who signed the Watchmen list: John Anderson, Bill Coon, Gary Guacci, David Karber.
More victims of Grace for our Wall of Remembrance:

William (Bill) Coon
Member Elder Board about 25 years (Chairman Twice), High School Sunday School teacher, College Sunday School sponsor/part time teacher, Church choir member. Member Paramount Brethren High Gymnasium Building Committee. Adult Sunday School leader. Member 36th and Linden Building Committee after 5th and Cherry church burned down. Youth Commission leader. Chairman Transforming Grace Phase 1 Construction Management Advisory Committee (CMAC).
Member Elder Board about 25 years (Chairman Twice), High School Sunday School teacher, College Sunday School sponsor/part time teacher, Church choir member. Member Paramount Brethren High Gymnasium Building Committee. Adult Sunday School leader. Member 36th and Linden Building Committee after 5th and Cherry church burned down. Youth Commission leader. Chairman Transforming Grace Phase 1 Construction Management Advisory Committee (CMAC).
Judy Coon
Member over 51 years. Served in the
following areas: Taught and helped in 2yr olds SS, Vacation
Bible School, High School and College sponsor Brethren District Youth Commission,
Women's Ministries Committee, Chair Deaconesses, MOPS Mentor Mom 2 different times, Choir member, Helped Bill with Gospel Transformation and
Life Group.
Bill writes, "My grandparents and parents started attending First Brethren Church (5th and Cherry) in the late 1920's. My mother brought me to this church when I was still in the womb. This has been my home church for 75 years. I came to know the Lord in my 3rd grade Sunday School Class and was later baptized by Dr Bauman. Judy joined 1st Brethren right after we were married in her church in 1959.
"I am leaving because of the teaching--really the lack of teaching the whole Word of God. We are getting a teaching that will not turn anyone away--no teaching about end times, no place for Israel in end times and a watered-down gospel. I long for teaching that gives a literal interpretation of Scripture which I believe leads to a dispensational view of the whole Bible. Paul's challenge to the Ephesian believers in Acts 20:27-30 and Jude's concern in verse 3 of his letter are challenges that our pastors are missing. We believe our church is going the wrong way."
Bill writes, "My grandparents and parents started attending First Brethren Church (5th and Cherry) in the late 1920's. My mother brought me to this church when I was still in the womb. This has been my home church for 75 years. I came to know the Lord in my 3rd grade Sunday School Class and was later baptized by Dr Bauman. Judy joined 1st Brethren right after we were married in her church in 1959.
"I am leaving because of the teaching--really the lack of teaching the whole Word of God. We are getting a teaching that will not turn anyone away--no teaching about end times, no place for Israel in end times and a watered-down gospel. I long for teaching that gives a literal interpretation of Scripture which I believe leads to a dispensational view of the whole Bible. Paul's challenge to the Ephesian believers in Acts 20:27-30 and Jude's concern in verse 3 of his letter are challenges that our pastors are missing. We believe our church is going the wrong way."
All I can say is that I'm glad our parents are no longer here so they do not have to witness this heartbreaking shame.