"You have to work hard to offend Christians. By nature, Christians are the most forgiving, understanding, and thoughtful group of people I've ever dealt with. They never assume the worst. They appreciate the importance of having different perspectives. They're slow to anger, quick to forgive, and almost never make rash judgments or act in anything less than a spirit of total love . . . No, wait--I'm thinking of Labrador retrievers!" David Learn, 1998

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Wall of Remembrance: "He is a naughty boy."

     Mary Mulloy has been a member of this church for 87 years and she has no intention of leaving--although she thinks she is next in line to be kicked out for writing truth.     
     She expresses her indignation in letters to Pastor Lou on a manual typewriter and sends out copies to friends.
     In one letter to Lou she wrote, "I am. . . concerned over the ongoing and unlilateral persecution and harassment of fellow Christian members, both past and present, apparently at your urgings, by the EBOE (Executive Board of Elders). Legitimate concerns have been expressed by these members over your doctrinal persuasions. . ."
     In another she wrote, "A prominent person at our church confronted you early on with your Covenant Theology that is contrary to the whole Bible in many places.
     "This person suggested you go where Covenant Theology is taught or that you start your own church. . .
     "INSTEAD YOU CHOOSE TO STAY and in my opinion, slightly deceived and usurped the Grace Brethren Church. Haven't you done so, Dr. Lou? Deception and dishonesty it seems to me. . .
     "It reminds me of a tea party with a little bit of arsenic in the tea. The host reminded them that it's just a little and that won't hurt you--just a little bit. . . a little bit!"
     She praised the church as it used to be: "I've been a member since 1925 when Dr. Louis Bauman baptized me and it wasn't infant baptism either. I knew perfectly well why I was being baptized.
     "I learned many Scriptures from Sunday school and vacation Bible school. It was these Scriptures that kept me from the traps of Mormonism and other cults that I encountered. So praise God for the Brethren church, which stressed Bible teaching."
     She ended with, "Shape up or ship out."  

     In a comment to a small group of us at a prayer meeting, Mary said, "I haven't taught school and taught naughty kids without learning something. And Lou is a naughty boy!" 


  1. Hi Jessica

    Just read the new "Wall of Remembrance" entries. Such a sad reality that all these wonderful families left GBC over the years because of the lack of genuine Christ centered leadership. I don't know what I will do if I see you and Jerry listed one of these days.....you have to do what you have to do. I am praying for a revival at 36/Linden. Humanly, the odds are against it but since God is in control....anything is possible.

    I send you my fervent prayers and wishes for a blessed Resurrection Sunday.


  2. (Sent to us by email, posted by permission)

    Dear Ones in Christ:

    Paul rejoiced in his persecution and praised the Lord all the more. You bear this unwarranted suffering with grace and joy in knowing you are in the Lord's will. I continue to be greatly saddened by Huesmann's actions. It is beyond my understanding. He demands unity without uniformity and ignores unity with diversity. Keep the faith, keep using your great gift of communication with humility by telling the truth in love,

