"You have to work hard to offend Christians. By nature, Christians are the most forgiving, understanding, and thoughtful group of people I've ever dealt with. They never assume the worst. They appreciate the importance of having different perspectives. They're slow to anger, quick to forgive, and almost never make rash judgments or act in anything less than a spirit of total love . . . No, wait--I'm thinking of Labrador retrievers!" David Learn, 1998

Monday, April 8, 2013


One year ago today (it was Easter), Jerry and I completed what God had assigned us to do at GBC, to "stay and stand" for the church which had been dedicated to Him and His gospel in Long Beach in 1913, to bring the deeds of darkness which had diverted its purpose since 1990 into the light for His judgment.

He released us to leave but He is still enlightening the eyes of people attending GBC. He is bringing them out by ones and twos and by families, many of them dazed as they hear the Bible preached and realize (like lobsters in a pot) how they were gradually seduced away from the truth and duped for so long, how they filled in the gaps in the sermons with their own assumptions that the gospel was still being preached there.

The darkness has gone underground, covered with a happy, thriving facade now that those calling the leadership to account have all been banished. God has more to expose and to judge, in His own time and through other means. But we thank God that we were faithful through tremendous spiritual oppression and attack and that our part in all this is over.

Jerry and I are grateful new members of Cornerstone Church, Long Beach, where the Bible--including sin, repentance, salvation, heaven, hell, and prophecy--are openly and unashamedly preached and where Jesus Christ is joyously worshiped in three services every weekend. Altar calls bring people to forgiveness, restoration, or healing at every one of them. So many refugees from GBC are joining the church, Cornerstone is having to expand to include 175 new seats!

We appreciate Pastor Jerry Rueb. You can listen to his Resurrection Day sermon (3-31-13), "Forever Alive" at http://www.cclb.org/pages/page.asp?page_id=126127&id1=592&id1t=c&id2=5421&id2t=i You can also watch each Sunday's service live from anywhere in the world at 10:45 AM. We welcome you to worship with us in person or online!

NOTE: This blog never had more than 15 people following it publicly and it hardly ever has new posts anymore. Yet it is still averaging 30 hits per day. Last month it had over 1,000 hits--and the total count is 72,630! I don't know who you are* or what brought you here (frankly I hope some of you are from the IRS), but we pray each of you will receive truth, wisdom, courage, peace, joy and every spiritual blessing from the Lord Jesus Christ!

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  1. I attended GBCLB for about 20 years. I have worked, and missioned, for Grace Christian School Long Beach off and on for 15 years. I lost all respect for the man I called my pastor. He has given a public school permission to move onto the campus that our school is on. And is pushing us out. We have been told we cannot apply for grants, by this pastor. We teach the same things this charter school thru LBUSD will teach; with two differences: they are only ran thru grants, which he said we cannot apply for. And we teach with God as the basis of all, which the publuc school cannot teach. I have defended this man and the church for years to the school. Lost friends and family over it. I cannot do this anymore. By giving Lou Huesman final say in all decision he seems to be doing his own will and not Gods will. We have until August 1, 2013 to get 130 students or he will shut down the school for good. His friends of this IVA school and their children are the only ones benefiting from this. For years GCSLB has asked for the pastor to come across the street and spend just a little bit of time with the students, spread his knowledge of God at a Friday chapel. But he will not come over unless he needs something for himself. I got over the changing of The Statement of Faith, but I cannot support a pastor knocking off a christian, bible based school for a public school, with no teaching of Gods word. Thankyou for your time.

  2. This is so tragic. So many are being hurt for no reason. The betrayal on the national level and church level has been happening in parallel. Jesus said in the last days there would be such strong delusion even the saints would be fooled. I'm glad some people's eyes are being opened. We ran into a former member at Cornerstone yesterday and he has become totally un-deceived, praise God. Pray that each of us (Christians) will ask God daily to replace any lies we believe with truth.
